WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday 1-28-15

For those of you who don’t know, WIP stands for Work In Progress. I have a ton of WIPs and tend to add more and more until I get in a mood where I must actually finish some of them. Since I have so many WIPS, I’m only going to show the ones I’ve worked on since last Wednesday. If I posted about every project I have going, your Internet connection might crash.

temp scarf 1-27-15Originally I thought I’d work on my temperature scarf on a daily basis, but that isn’t happening. I tend to stitch all my rows for the week over the weekend. So, I last worked on it this last Sunday. I just look up the temperatures from the last week and go from there.


I posted this a few days ago, but will repeat it for WIP Wednesday. It’s my first block of Moogly’s 2015 CAL. I haven’t started the second block yet, but will probably work on it over the upcoming weekend. It will be more square when I block it. Each square will have the variegated yarn in the center, and I will use two of the three solid colors in each square. The next one will use the solid teal.

prayer shawlThis is a prayer shawl I’m making for my women’s group at church. It’s really a long and wide scarf, using a simple V-stitch without the chain between the double crochets. I’m using Dark Country Blue Caron Simply Soft yarn. I’m using the same yarn brand for my temperature scarf and have used it for other projects with no problems, but I’m finding that it separates easily when hooking in the spaces between stitches. I hook into the actual stitches in the other projects, and it doesn’t seem to get caught as easily. I’ll keep going, as I have a lot of this particular color and should use it up, and it will be a nice gift for someone in need. Good lesson though, to understand which yarns work best for which types of projects.

I have been working on several Mirabilias for the 15 Miras in 15 Days project, some which I started this January and some which were already in progress. I’m not going to get them all in by the end of January like I’d hoped, but by mid-February I should have them all going. Over the past week, I’ve worked on (in order) Touching the Autumn Sky, Fairie Treasures, and Sleeping Beauty. I’ve been working on and off on Sleeping Beauty for-ev-er, and slowly making progress. The other three look a little strange right now because I had to go out and get some more floss. The part of Touching the Autumn Sky I started is where her arms are hanging onto the swing, though right now it looks like some strangely-colored version of the Statue of Liberty. Fairie Treasures actually resembles what she’s supposed to look like, so that’s good.

TouchingTheAutumnSky1 FairieTreasures1 Sleeping Beauty

Looking back through my projects here, can you tell that I tend to go for purples, blues and greens? All my stitching projects are on a color of blue fabric, and my crochet projects are using blues purples and greens. I have said many times that I think almost any cross stitch project would look good on some shade of blue, and I guess that is the color I tend to go for first.

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  1. Kay Brucesmith

     /  January 28, 2015

    I understand about listing one’s WIP’s. 🙂 Life would be very boring with only one project on the go.


  2. I used to be a one project stitcher…until I discovered the Internet and found out I didn’t have to do it that way, lol.


  3. I am generally not a one project stitcher. but I generally don’t have more than 4 or 5 going at the same time. I fear that if I had so many going at one time that I would feel like I was going no where on any of them. But I am amazed that you keep going with all of them.


  4. Hi Mindy, I Love your Mirabilia, she is beautiful!



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